(interview with Nathalie)


- 10,000 circumcisions! How do you feel?

- I don’t feel anything. It’s just my job.

- Your style has been described as, “ultra low and tight”, can you explain your personal technique?

- Hmmm… For me it’s about aesthetics. As a surgeon, I think scars are ugly. As a woman, I appreciate the male form, so when I’m doing a circumcision I think the cut should be right in the sulcus. After circumcision the jutting, pronounced, coronal edge is so visually striking, I think you can professionally hide the scar in the dip.

- And why so tight?

- Look, any fold down there, can be a site for cheese. We all know boys aren’t exactly the cleanest of creatures. “Leave no wrinkle” is my philosophy for how tight I go! [Laughs]

- You know, a lot of people say that a low and tight cut is quite sexually disabling in terms of sensation and sexuality?

- Yes. I hear that. Honestly, it really doesn’t bother me. I’ve had guys I’ve operated on complain about the loss of sensitivity afterwards, but I always say, “Can you still get off?” They always say yes. I honestly think that’s enough. If anything, I’m a feminist, you know, I mean how many rapists, mysogynists, and fucking murderers of women there are out there? I think the only sane society is one where women have absolute control of male sexuality.

- Absolute?

- Hah! Next time ask me about vasectomies and castration… You know, if you inject a castrated man with testosterone, he can still fuck you, right? It’s just totally on your terms, you have total control over his libido.